How Contraceptives Affect Your Oral Health

How Contraceptives Affect Your Oral Health?

The issue of whether to have children features prominently in today's culture, and contraceptives is one choice that lets people have a little more influence over it when the household becomes larger. There are a variety of birth control alternatives available for both men and women, and although these options may change your levels of hormones throughout the month, they may additionally have an impact on your dental health. This article will discuss how contraceptives affect your oral health and dental health.

Effects of Contraceptives on Oral Health

You're obviously aware that contraceptives may have an impact on your weight and emotions, but did you know that there is a link between contraceptives and oral health? Since birth controls regulation involves the build up of hormones to inhibit conception, using it causes hormonal changes in women. These modifications may render people more sensitive to oral medical conditions by influencing the blood flow to gum tissue and the body's reaction to the toxicity induced by plaque accumulation.

The pill used for birth control is the most widely prescribed type of contraceptives , with around 25% of women aged 15 to 44 now taking it. Contraception tablets are generally used to prevent a pregnancy, and they are 91% successful when used consistently. While adverse effects vary depending on the individual, some individuals have experienced oral health problems as a result of using oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives, for instance, may exacerbate gum disease even if you already have symptoms. This is due to the hormones being linked to increased gum inflammation. This might cause persistent gum inflammation, which can lead to serious harm to your gums and tooth enamel.

Oral contraceptives can raise the probability of developing a dry socket following surgeries such as wisdom teeth extraction and others. A dry socket develops when blood does not clot and over exposed bones or when the clot ejects or breaks before the lesion heals. It is important to talk with your dentist to guarantee that your birth control options do not negatively impact your dental health. Tell your dentist if you are presently using contraception. This knowledge is especially useful if your dentist will have to fill prescriptions, as certain medications reduce the effectiveness of contraception. While you have no control over the manner in which a contraceptive interacts with your mouth, you do have power over how you handle the matter. To reduce the negative impacts, you can take preventative actions.

Inform your dentist whether or not you use birth control and what sort you're using to be sure it's not affecting your dental health. Additional concern for disclosing this fact is because particular antibiotics prescribed by your dentist may affect the efficacy of birth control. While contraceptives affect oral health, working with your dentist and doctor can assist with controlling any unwanted effects. Keeping a regular dental care practice is critical to keeping your mouth healthy - and yourself comfy. Below mentioned are a few steps to maintain your oral health when using contraceptives.

How to Maintain Your Oral Health When Using Birth Control

  • See your dental professional
  • Arrange regular dental cleanup and notify your dentist if you see any concerning alterations.
  • It is recommended to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Have a nutritious, healthy diet and restrict your snacking.
  • Ensure that you obtain adequate calcium.
  • Minimize sugary snacks.
  • consume a lot of water to dissolve and flush sweets, acids, and pollutants from your mouth.
  • Control the intervals you eat. Eating a meal produces more saliva than just a quick snack. Saliva aids in the removal of food from the mouth and reduces the effects of acids.
  • Chew sugar-free gum. Chewing gum can aid in the removal of food particles lodged between your teeth. Saliva helps to remove the intake of food and lessens the impact of acids.
  • It is always advised not to smoke as smoking causes severe oral health difficulties because it causes more plaque and tartar to stick to a smoker's teeth.

Most types of birth control contain some estrogen and progesterone. The first month after beginning contraceptive pills possesses the greatest influence on the body. As these large hormonal changes happen, most women have gum disease-like indications and a rise in tooth sensitivity. Women who currently have gingivitis or are at a greater risk for developing gum disease should be informed of how birth control pill side effects might worsen their oral condition and raise their risks. Remember that most other lifestyle variables might have an impact on your oral health even when on contraceptive methods.

Contraceptives are a matter of personal choice that so many adult women must make. Yet, you are not required to undertake it alone. Talk to your doctor and dentist to obtain the information you require to make the best option for you. If you must take hormonal contraception, it is critical that you follow a daily oral health regimen at home. Remember to plan regular dentist appointments for cleanings and evaluations of your general oral health. Are you experiencing any oral or dental problems? Why wait? Call us immediately or click here to schedule a speedy appointment with us.

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